The Essen Seminar for Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic consists of the research groups in the area of algebraic geometry, algebraic K-theory, arithmetic geometry and number theory at the University Duisburg-Essen in Essen.

Research Training Group 2553 will be continued

The German Research Foundation DFG has decided that our Research Training Group 2553 “Symmetries and classifying spaces: analytic, arithmetic and derived” will be funded for a second period of four and a half years, until March 2024. We are very happy about this emphatic confirmation of our work in the Research Training Group, and above all about being able to support current and future doctoral students in the Research Training Group in the coming years. The next 5 doctoral positions are to be filled as early as October 2024.

Press release of the DFG, Press release of the University of Duisburg-Essen, Further information

Summer school on Hodge theory and Shimura varieties

From September 23 to 27, 2024, a Summer school on Hodge theory and Shimura varieties will take place in Essen. Charles Doran, Arno Kret and Colleen Robles will teach mini-courses, and we also expect to have a couple of research talks. Registration is open!

Early Researchers in Number Theory Workshop 2024

From September 18 to 20, 2024, the Early Number Theory Researcher Workshop 2024 will take place in Essen. The invited speakers are Johannes Anschütz, Yukako Kezuka and Andreas Mihatsch. Registration is open until July 1, 2024!

Workshop on Complex Hyperbolicity

On February 22 and 23, 2024 a “Workshop on Complex Hyperbolicity” will take place in Essen. The speakers are Damian Brotbek, Ariyan Javanpeykar and Jörg Winkelmann.

Further information.

VBAC – Recent applications to the geometry of moduli spaces

From August 28 to September 1 the Summer school and conference “VBAC – Recent applications to the geometry of moduli spaces” will take place in Essen. There will be mini-courses by Camilla Felisetti, Margarida Melo and Isabel Vogt.

Further information and application.

PhD days 2023

On Monday the 27th and Tuesday the 28th of march, several of the pure math PhD students will give talks on their research interests. This is a great opportunity for Master students to inform themselves on what doing a PhD (in Essen) might be like and for the PhD students in Essen to find out what others in the faculty are interested in.

Read more.

Conference Harnessing Motivic Invariants

From June 27 to July 1 the Conference “Harnessing Motivic Invariants” will take place in Essen.

Further information.

Summer School on Arithmetic Geometry

In the week of September 5 to 9, we will hold a Summer School on Arithmetic Geometry in Essen, on the occasion of Massimo Bertolini’s 60th birthday. Samit Dasgupta, David Loeffler, Vincent Pilloni, Alice Pozzi will give mini-courses. In the week after the school, there will be a conference in Milano .

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung.

ALGANT Graduation Ceremony

The ALGANT Graduation Ceremony takes place in Essen from July 11 to July 13.

Further information

Workshop on Complex Analysis and Geometry

From June 20 to 24, a Workshop on Complex Analysis and Geometry, organized by Daniel Greb and George Marinescu, will take place in Essen.

Further information and registration

Johannes Sprang joins the Essen Seminar as a junior professor

As of May 1, Dr. Johannes Sprang starts as a junior professor in the Department of Mathematics at Essen. His research focuses on arithmetic geometry and number theory. Before coming to Essen he worked at the University of Regensburg. In this summer term, he already teaches a course on algebraic number theory here in Essen. We are very happy to welcome him in our team.

Spring school on the mod $p$ Langlands correspondence

In the week of April 26 – 30.4., the Research Training Group 2553 will hold a Spring School towards a mod $p$ Langlands correspondence. Christophe Breuil, Florian Herzig, Yongquan Hu, Stefano Morra and Benjamin Schraen will give talks about their very recent results.

Further information and registration

ALGANT Graduation Ceremony

The ALGANT Graduation Ceremony takes place from July 13 to July 15 — this year as a virtual event.

Further information

Summer school on Hodge theory and Shimura varieties

Canceled due to the corona epidemy.

From August 10 to 14, we will have a Summer school on Hodge theory and Shimura varieties in Essen. Matt Kerr, Andreas Mihatsch and Colleen Robles will teach mini-courses, and we also expect to have a couple of research talks. Registration is open!

Research Training Group 2553 “Symmetries and classifying spaces: analytic, arithmetic and derived”

The German Research Foundation DFG will fund a Research Training Group run by the Essen Seminar for Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic starting April 2020. The first funding period will run for four and a half years. After an initial phase, eventually 13 positions for PhD students and one postdoc position will be funded. The first 4 positions will be formally announced shortly.

Press release of the DFG, Press release of the University of Duisburg-Essen, Further information

Jasmin Matz accepts offer from the University of Copenhagen

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jasmin Matz has accepted an offer from the University of Copenhagen and will leave the University of Duisburg-Essen at the end of September. We regret that she will leave Essen, but at the same time congratulate her on her success and wish her all the best for her new position.

ERC Advanced Grant for Prof. Marc Levine

Prof. Marc Levine was awarded an ERC Advanced grant within the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union. In this project, he will develop and investigate refined methods of enumerative geometry, where the results of counting problems are given by a quadratic form rather than a natural number. This yields valuable additional information and a clearer geometric picture of such problems over non-algebraically closed base fields such as the real numbers.Further information.

Further information.

Dr. Jasmin Matz joins the Essen Seminar as a junior professor

As of April 1, 2019, Dr. Jasmin Matz from Hebrew University at Jerusalem has joined the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Duisburg-Essen as a junior professor. Her area of research is analytic number theory, for instance she works on automorphic representations and the Arthur-Selberg trace formula, topics which have close connections with several of the research groups here. At the Essen Seminar for Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic, we are very happy for this reinforcement of our team, and heartily welcome her.

Summer school on Motives and Stacks

The summer school Motives and Stacks will take place in Essen from 23rd till 27th of September. Victoria Hoskins, Paul Arne Østvær and David Rydh will give mini-courses.

Workshop on Prismatic Cohomology

In March 2019, we will host a Workshop on Prismatic Cohomology (after Bhatt and Scholze), in the style of the Oberwolfach Arbeitsgemeinschaft (i.e., the participants apply for giving a talk, in order to learn about the topic).

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